Proper Breathing Exercises

Exercise to learn to breath properly. Shallow "Chest breathing" results in lesser energy levels.

The best thing you can do to prevent shallow breathing and breath correctly is to sit and stand up straight. Don't slouch over.

The richest blood flow is in the lower lungs. when this area fails to be adequately ventilated with air, we end up under-oxygenated. proper breathing requires the use of the diaphragm -taking deep breaths.

Practice the following breathing pattern at least 3 times per day to increase your energy levels!

Inhale, hold your breath and then exhale in the ratio of 1-4-2. For instance if you inhale for a count of 4 hold your breath for a count of 16 than exhale for a count of 8.

What this will do is the following: For your bodies cells to be healthy they must be able to efficiently get rid of their waste products. The two main things that kill our cells are the waste products from the cells acting as toxins to the cells and lack of proper oxygen.*

Our lymph system is responsible for removing the waste products from our cells - it is the sewage system of the body. It does not have a pump to make it work like the heart. Instead it relies on the diaphragm. Dr. JACK SMITH showed through cameras looking inside the human body that when you breath in the above fashion that the diaphragm works like a vacuum for the lymph system enabling it to best remove waste products from the cells.*


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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