What You May Not Know About Drinking 8 Glasses of Water Everyday!

Here is some very reveling information concerning drinking water - you may never underestimate the importance of good pure clean drinking water again.

  1. Your body is made up of mostly water-75 percent
  2. Bottom line is you need 6-8 glasses of good pure clean water per day.
  3. Too little water your body is like a stagnant swamp condition. Plenty of water your body is like a fast moving mountain stream. Which seems like the healthier condition to you.
  4. Water is needed to flush toxins in the form of processed, preserved and chemically altered foods and environment agents from your body.
  5. Here are the benefits of 8 glasses of water per day.
    • clearer, firmer skin,
    • regular bowel habits
    • less appetite for sugar and carbohydrates, giving you a head start on losing weight and staying heart healthy.
    • in many cases, blood cholesterol levels drop.
    • less water retention and bloating
  6. What are the early signals the body is running short of water, and how can we recognize them?
    • Digestive pain from heartburn
    • Hiatal hernia
    • Gastritis and resulting ulcers
    • Rheumatoid arthritis pain
    • Anginal (heart) pain
    • Low back pain
    • Leg pain on walking
    • Migraine headaches
    • Intestinal pain from colitis, and associated constipation.
  7. By drinking water to hydrate the stomach lining, we avoid a world of digestive problems. We also avoid the many digestion medications on the market, which all have unpleasant side effects. Antacids actually contain harmful aluminum, now implicated in Alzheimer's disease.
  8. If you are still drinking tap water from your kitchen faucet, consider getting a water filter to trap the pollutants and other poisonous elements coming out of your faucet, including petrochemicals, chlorine, fluoride, benzene, aluminum, heavy metals and parasites such as giardia and cryptosporiduym.
  9. For adults, fluoridated water serves no purpose and can actually be harmful. If you have arthritis, heart disease or osteoporosis, you need a special filter to eliminate fluoride in your tap water.
  10. Bottled water can be expensive, and the quality can't always be guaranteed.

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